The title says it all.....On this journey I have realized that I have learned a lot of things the hard way. I have always done things the way I wanted too...and got those same results. As I am on my spiritual journey I ask myself "Why cant I just do things God's way?" One answer I know is because Gods timing and my timing are never on the same sheet...sometimes I think God is taking too long and I need to help him hurry it up...or I know God wants me to do this anyway so why not just skip a few steps....Why do we do that? We are not realizing that skipping steps or speeding up the process hinder us, we miss things we should have learned along the way if we would have taken Gods route. So there are a few things that I am believing God for at this point in my life and I see god has that weird sense of humor because I have caught myself trying to move this along and he is like "what are you doing, I am not going to catch up with need to slow down and allow me to walk with you". Can I do that...I have no faith and belief in him is so strong, how can I not. I always say that I have being doing this thing my way and look how it turns out...why not try Gods way...I know I will get different results.....
As I am following the path that he is put me on ....I can see door that were closed that are opening up for me. Now there are times still now when I don't heed his warning but God is a forgiving God that he keeps whispering in my ear till I stop and turn around and get back on the right path....Each challenge I overcome there is one even greater than the last but my faith in God is keeping me pressing on. There are days when I feel like giving up...but he send that ram in the bush...which are my friends that call at the right time to say words of encouragement that keeps me pressing on....
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Lunch Date
![]() |
Philly Cheese Sandwich and fries... |
I had a wonderful date that I just had to blog about. I took careful time getting ready because I wanted to look perfect. Being on far so door was open for me...this is getting good...being taken to my favorit resturant "The Tavern" just made my day. Over lunch justing sitting and remincining brought a smile to my face. No telephone call or text message to interrupt the moment, it was just all about I am guess you are wondering who is the gentleman that took me out...the one that was on time and opened my door the one that made me smile throughout lunch...the one who gave me all the attention without any interruptions. I am sorry to say that it was no man...the date I had was with ME!!!
Dating myself
Yes I said myself. It sounds strange but I was reading this book by Kenny Pugh, Can you do it Standing up? A different outlook on relationships. Well anyway there was a chapter called "Would you date you?" At first I laughed because I said of course I would....but then as I read it was more indepth and I needed to test it out. So at first I wasn't going to dress up...but then I was thinking what if it was a guy I would be all dolled why not. I made sure I was on time...because I know that what I like and I also left my phone in the there would be no texting or calling on this
I was a little nervous...I wasn't talking about going to Zaxbys to pick up a lunch...I was talking about going to a resturant to be waited on. I picked the Tavern because it is my favorite resturant. I love the intimate setting. The lady at the desk was like how many...I said "One" in a low Dont judge I was still I was seated and I ordered lunch. As I was waiting...I was just thinking about my life and things that have happened over the years...those things made me smile and just made me happy. I enjoyed my lunch with myself. I was very refreshing....So to answer Kenny's question...I would say "Yes" I would date myself. I am going to take myself to different places as well.
As I am on my journey of discovery, my journey or reinventing, my journey of being adventurouse, I think I am going to enjoy getting to know myself even better.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
To I-Phone or NOT to I-Phone
So I am debating if I am going to upgrade my phone. Right now I am married to my Blackberry. I have had it for 5 years. I did however a few months ago, switch to another phone because I was curious about the touch screen phones but I switched back because I didn't like it. I think it probably the phone I had. So I am thinking about trying again, this time with a I-phone. I was speaking to a friend a few weeks ago and I was telling him I was never switching because I didn't like the touch screen or really i think its too complicated. He told me that is the way the world is going and what would I do if in the next few years they only made touch screen phones. I thought about that and realized that I have to keep up how the world is evolving. So we will see how long I will keep this phone...
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Day 293..coming into my own
Wow...time does fly when you are having So today is day 293 of my natural journey...I am so amazed at how making this decision has changed my life in such a good way. The confidence I feel everyday makes me smile even now. When I first big chopped I knew I wanted to go natural but I always say I just didn't know how it was really going to impact me until it did. In the beginning I was very unsure but now I am like I'm a "Natural Diva". I am always trying new styles and products. In the picture above I am rocking a twist out that I did.
My next stop on this journey, I think I want to add color to give me a little So of course I have been reading up on having color and still have healthy hair. I will get the color right before the year is out, I can't wait to go into the new year with a new look and attitude. I am still working on my bucket list of things that I want to do.
Being Natural is something that I have learned to embrace...I fell in love with myself all over again....When I see people turn their noses up at my hair...I don't get offended (i did in the past, because i was so self conscious)....people either love natural hair or they hate natural hair....I still find it funny when someone tells me about so and so hair and how she used the product and it looks so great and I should try it so mine can look like that....that is not going to happen...because what works on one persons head don't always work on
Yes I am still stopping people from touching my hair...unless they ask...because I still don't like that.
On this 293rd day I am enjoying the life God has given me...I am taking every day as a chance to get better...trying not to stress over the things I cannot change, because it is what it is...I am still working on my G.I.F.T.S every chance I get...ready to see what the future has in store...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
I been off......
I havent written in a while and so someone who reads my blog sent me a text to find out why and it actually made me mad!! Mad because he and I are not friends anymore. I don't deal with people that feel they have to be dishonest to get what they want. I was like I don't want to write anything because I dont want him to read. But then I had to think about it...he is not the reason I started blogging and so I shouldn't let that stop me for doing something i enjoy. So I guess I am back to blogging and I should thank him.....i
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
PSA: Non Custodial Parents
I think that if you are NOT a custodial parent and you DONT drop kids off and pick up from school...if you DONT drop kids off and pick up from after school activities, if you DONT stay up late helping with homework, if you DONT take off work because you have a sick child, if you DONT have to worry about finding a baby sitter, if you DONT have to walk around at 12 midnight picking out supplies for a homework assignments and so much more....please show some appreciation to those of us who do!!! That is all.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
and the winner is......
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My very own Puff...Thank you hair gods!!!
So you all know I have been praying to the hair gods because I have wanted my very own puff.. well the hair gods have answered my prayers because guess what I have a puff and I think it looks really This has been a long 10 months...and really my hair has been growing all along I just see it everyday that i couldnt tell the difference.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Magic City Classic Weekend: Pancakes, Seminars, and Costume parties....whew im tired!!!
Well this weekend pretty much flew by so fast. I had a lot of fun with some of my Sorors and my friends. I started with breakfast at the Original House of Pancakes.
Donna and me
Then we headed over to the BJCC to check out the Job Fair and the WorkShops. They had a natural hair work shop so of course I had to stop by and hear what they had to say about natural hair.
We then waited for the next session because Lamon Rucker was supposed to be there....well guess what he didnt show...his plane was delayed...but the other guys on the panel were okay.....we got to take pictures of them and we took pictures with Calvin Richardson....he was no Lamon...but you have to work with what you
Donna and me
Donna and Me |
Ingrid |
Gloria and me |
Lynn, Reyna and Charity |
a huge omelet.... |
Then we headed over to the BJCC to check out the Job Fair and the WorkShops. They had a natural hair work shop so of course I had to stop by and hear what they had to say about natural hair.
We then waited for the next session because Lamon Rucker was supposed to be there....well guess what he didnt show...his plane was delayed...but the other guys on the panel were okay.....we got to take pictures of them and we took pictures with Calvin Richardson....he was no Lamon...but you have to work with what you
Calvin Richardson and us
Calvin Richardson and me
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
My twists are out....the results...
I kept the twist in for five days so I am getting I actually like the way my hair feels and look after using the Deep SOLUtions Deep Conditioner by Natural Girls Rock along with the flax seed gel I made at home. I was very sceptical about my gel but I think my hair looks good.. Me
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Is it supposed to look like this....
So last night I made Flax Seed Gel...or so I I followed the directions but I don't think it turned out right. I was kinda sad about that too...but if you know me you know I don't give up that easy. So I will be making the gel again. I was actually making the gel to go with the Deep SOLUtions deep conditioner that I bought last month at Fro Fashion. The founder Kelly said that the conditioner works best with the Flax seed gel. So I did twist my hair with it so we will see. I like my hair so far, but everyone knows I wont keep the twist in for long, because I get tired of the same style. So we will is Thursday...can I hold out till next Thursday....stay
a picture of my hair as I am twisting it
The finished product.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Paper Flowers
Working on my decorations for cookie training, someone suggested that I make my own flowers instead of buying them. So of course I am you tubeing "How to make paper flowers" I have a co worker in the office who actually had made them so she showed me how also.
I bought the tissue paper in the colors of my decorations, I bought a new pair of sissiors and flower wire.
Then I fold the tissue paper like a fan...I used nine sheets of paper, but then depending on the size I used as less as six sheets.
Here are the results and what my flowers looked like
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Race for the cure
Over the weekend I participated in the Race for the Cure. This year was different for me. In May I had a mammogram and I was asked to come back because they saw something on the screen on my right breast. I had to have two test that determined that it was only a cyst in my right breast. The anxiety that built up in me as I waited to find the results affected me in a way I couldn't even describe. I was holding my right breast trying to be extra careful with back I don't think that would have had any affect on it...but in my mind I thought it would. I was talking to the insurance agent trying to make sure I had enough. I thank God that it was only a cyst...but it reminded me I cant take my health and life for granted. So as I participated in the race I walked for all those people I knew has passed away due to cancer and those who had conqured the cancer. I met old and new friends during this run.
My time, I could have done better but we were talking, playing and just acting up on the
I dont know this think Ingrid knew him...i just wanted to take the
This guys shirt was very cute............
The back of the shirt says it true
So many people..........
My sorors......
Look at the dog with the tutu!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I think my band too tight!
Today I decided to try to use the "ouchless" headband on my head because sometimes the headbands I have hurt my head behind the ears. So i used an ouchless band. I wrapped it around once and then I got the bright I deal that just maybe I should try to do the puff...So I double twisted the band on my head...I didn't push back too far because My hair not that long and i know this style would look funny.
I left for work and as I am driving my head starts to pound and I am like dang why does my head hurt....of course after 10 minutes it registered with me that this band is too tight on my head. So I undid it and just like that I could feel the pressure leaving
I left for work and as I am driving my head starts to pound and I am like dang why does my head hurt....of course after 10 minutes it registered with me that this band is too tight on my head. So I undid it and just like that I could feel the pressure leaving
this is how i wrap the band twice....i stretch it out and then wrap it again... |
now that it is doubled then i push it back but not all the way because then it would make my puff look very small |
this is the band squeezing my brain tight!!! lol |
relief without doubling the band |
Okay so now my head feels better with the only just putting the head band on...its not tight at all but now i feel its too loose. Maybe I will try another ouchless that has not been stretched out yet and see how that goes.
Am I still a Product Junkie?
People ask me this question all the time. My answer is yes, but I am not just buying random things now like I use too. I still buy things but I am reading labels and waiting till I have a coupon or when things go on sale I try new products. My main product now is Shea Moisture. I still use Kinky Curly as a detangeler just because I think its is the best. I still use Suave Conditioner to co wash with. I got two new products that I will be trying real soon. Jessicurls and Natural Girls Rock has a Deep Solutions Conditioner and Flax Seed Oil Gel and when use together to do twist out, they are supposed to be just I will be trying this in a few days. Take a look at my basket....
My basket doesn't look to bad. I still have stuff in bags that I haven't put out
I still want to use the As I Am products but right now they are too expensive and the coupon that I have received from Curl Mart doesn't work, so until I just get a bonus or hit the lottery I wont purchase the product. The product itself is not too expensive but when you have to pay shipping and handling then it becomes to much.
My basket doesn't look to bad. I still have stuff in bags that I haven't put out
I still want to use the As I Am products but right now they are too expensive and the coupon that I have received from Curl Mart doesn't work, so until I just get a bonus or hit the lottery I wont purchase the product. The product itself is not too expensive but when you have to pay shipping and handling then it becomes to much.
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