Friday, September 30, 2011

Taking a break from everything...

Sometimes I get a feeling of this is too much...  So today is one of those days.  I have so many hats right now I really don't know how I keep them straight.  Do you ever feel like that?  If you don't please tell me how so I can take  I have first decided to take a break from social no twitter for me or facebook....  I said I would focus on blogging for a minute..I will let you know how it goes.

I decided to start with taking the GIFTS challenge that Kim Coles gave us at the Fro Fashion Weekend.  I will journal for 30 days about gratitude, intentions, forgiveness, triumphs, and self love.  I just need to clear my head and get in a new space. 

Evaluating some friendships...sometimes its time to let some relationships go..some people are only meant to be in your life for a season, but we make seasonal people stay longer than they should and it causes all kind of headaches in your life.

Well time to meditate....check in later..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Twist outs using Shea Moisture

I like twisting my hair...but I feel like it looks really dry...cute but dry.  So this weekend at the Fro Fashion, I heard someone say that they twist their hair with Shea Moisture Curly Smoothie.  So when I came home I washed my hair and did some twist with the Shea Moisture.  OMG!!! My hair feels great.  I didn't have to put any oil on my hair to give it a hair feels soft and it doesn't look dry!!! Check out my pictures.

I don't know how to part my hair really good so this is the best I can do....

My hair has really looking at these pictures....

Finished product....I will try to take one closer so you can see my curls...

Fro Fashion Weekend

I attended Fro Fashion Week this past weekend and let me tell you I have a blast.  What is Fro Fashion Week you might ask, its where people who are natural, thinking about being natural or just on the fence come out to share experiences and journeys.  There is also a fashion show and vendors selling products that they make.  it is awesome.

Friday night, we attended a Penthouse party and got to meet Kim Coles...I cant say enough about Kim, she has such a great personality and great down to earth...she was taking pictures with everyone...even got herself on the dance was wonderful.

Yolanda Lavender performed that night.  I love her voice.  I heard her sing last year and was excited to know she was going to perform again.

The workshops were on the next day and Kim did the opening session "WOO WOO WOO WOO!!!  She brought me to misty eyes listening to her hair was so touching...Then we heard Jessicurls story and that brought more mist to my eyes.  There stories touched my soul.  I could relate and feel the passion about what they are doing now..

We went to Kim's session on Life Transition...talking about your G.I.F.T.S.  I wanted to hear this message because my Bishop is teaching on GIFTS in bible study...I wont give you all information but I will tell you that G(gratitude) I (Intentions) F ( forgiveness) T (triumph) S ( self-love)...for more information you will have to go to Kim's site...

Then we headed over to hear Key Martin talk about straight natural hair.  She is another lady with such a beautiful spirit about herself...she seem so genuine about what she does and you can see her passion.

We had to get some to eat so we checked out this place right next to the Fox Theater call Pulik  They didn't sell any chicken wings but they make a mean burger...

All and all my trip was wonderful...but you know we couldn't leave knowing Old School Saturday was taking place that yep you know it...the Dream Team was in the house...

We had a blast!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Guess who is on TWITTER!!!!

Since I am so adventurous, I signed up for a documentary on my Natural Hair journey while at Fro Fashion Week.  Well one of the things they asked me about was TWITTER...Queen (the lady doing the interview) said that they will send out tweets this weekend for us..I was like TWITTER, I don't have twitter...OL Lord!!! so of course I had to get a twitter account.  This has been a crazy morning...trying to figure this thing out but I think I am going to like it...

So if you want to know what I am up too you can now follow me on twitter:@au_naturale

I want a Puff....

Okay so I am obsessing over a Puff...well unfortunately with this TWA, I cant have a puff!!DARN IT!!! lol  I think puffs are so cute.  i put my daughters hair in a puff and it was so cute...

See I told you..>CUTE!!! I can't wait till my hair grows long enough for one...People are going to get tired of seeing me with

I just love natural hair!!!!

>>>once again...I am praying to the hair Gods for some puffy

..Ready for Fro Fashion Week

So yes...its that time again..Fro Fashion Week.... Seven months ago I went to Fro Fashion Weekend and didn't know what to expect.  I just knew I wanted to go lean about natural hair, especially since I was going natural myself.  All I can say is that I was in AWWW of all the natural ladies...I took jeans and causal yes going back to meet up with the ladies I met last time, but this is also a chance to get all dolled up ....sort of a redemption.  I hadn't embraced my naturalness and now I have.  I know the people I met last time will be able to see the change in me.

So yes I am so excited about going, looking forward to reconnecting with the ladies I met last time and ready to make new naturalships!!! <<<i made that

Monday, September 12, 2011

Things that distract us....

Sometimes we get caught up in the hoopla of day to day stuff.  This journey I am on is not only about my natural journey, its about spiritual journey, my educational journey, and my day to day journey in life.  Sometimes I make the right choices and decisions and sometimes I don't make the right choices and decisions, but I always try to do my best.  Recently I was distracted by a message a received today.  The message was meant to hurt me, to break me down...but as I was contemplating what to do, I hear a whisper from a voice that said "Let it go".  I was like noooo I need to retaliate...and the voice again said "Let it go, this is just a distraction".   I sat still for a moment to really let that sink it...If I let it go what was that going to say about me....I feel like people take my kindness for weakness....but the voice again said "So"... so of course I am not feeling good...I don't know what to do...but my favorite scripture is Proverbs, 3;5...Trust in the Lord...lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways ad knowledge him and he will make your path straight.....I focused on that first sentence "Trust in the Lord" times that is hard...because of course I know better, or I feel I do

That distraction today almost got me off my course because it was going to take me down a path that wasn't on my schedule...  How far down that path would it have taken me, I don't wanna find out...I am just thankful of my maturity in God that i listen to what he has to say and apply it in my don't get me wrong there are times when I don't listen...and learn the hard way...but everyday I try to do what is right...

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hanging out with my Twist out...

Its Friday night and I am about to go out to dinner and decided to untwist my hair.  OMG!!! I am loving it...I didn't know it was going to look this cute.....I am loving it...cant you tell...I am having too much fun with my hair...check out my picture below...

That hair made me feel