Sometimes we get caught up in the hoopla of day to day stuff. This journey I am on is not only about my natural journey, its about spiritual journey, my educational journey, and my day to day journey in life. Sometimes I make the right choices and decisions and sometimes I don't make the right choices and decisions, but I always try to do my best. Recently I was distracted by a message a received today. The message was meant to hurt me, to break me down...but as I was contemplating what to do, I hear a whisper from a voice that said "Let it go". I was like noooo I need to retaliate...and the voice again said "Let it go, this is just a distraction". I sat still for a moment to really let that sink it...If I let it go what was that going to say about me....I feel like people take my kindness for weakness....but the voice again said "So"... so of course I am not feeling good...I don't know what to do...but my favorite scripture is Proverbs, 3;5...Trust in the Lord...lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways ad knowledge him and he will make your path straight.....I focused on that first sentence "Trust in the Lord" times that is hard...because of course I know better, or I feel I do
That distraction today almost got me off my course because it was going to take me down a path that wasn't on my schedule... How far down that path would it have taken me, I don't wanna find out...I am just thankful of my maturity in God that i listen to what he has to say and apply it in my don't get me wrong there are times when I don't listen...and learn the hard way...but everyday I try to do what is right...
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